Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dear Leslie McSpadden The Horrible mother of Michael Brown Who raised a monster who Terrorized a Convince Store Owner and Tried to Kill a cop. Only for the Cop to defend himself. And again your brand of behavior brings destruction

Dear Leslie McSpadden The Horrible mother of Michael Brown  Who raised a monster who Terrorized a Convince Store Owner and Tried to Kill a cop.  Only for the Cop to defend himself.  And again your brand of behavior brings destruction

Dear McSpadden

The death of your son was tragic.  However, it was not brought on by Officer Darren Wilson.  It was brought on your son the day he decided to go on a terrorist Godzilla rampage of Ferguson MO. Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, was fatally shot by a white police officer on Aug. 9, 2014, in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. Massive,

By robbing and beating up the people in the Convince store.  This is the product you raise with no respect for the law.  You need to look in the mirror and take responsibility for the trash you raised.  I have no sympathy.

You are responsible for putting your son his grave.  Just look in the mirror.  I rate you as the most horrible mother on this GOD’s GREEN Earth. 

Your activitism will only lead to more black lives being killed with your brand of mother of no respect for the law.

Again I have no respect for you.  Your brand of activism is a code for murder Police and the innocent black lives that are continually are being destroyed by your brand of false justice.

Your son fate was brought on By Michael Brown and only Michael Brown for the day of Terror.

I shed no tears for or your son.  Both of you are murders

JK Rook

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