I don't care for Bill Maher. However, I do agree with his statement.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
History Repeats itself President James Earl Carter and President Barrack H. Obama Identical President Terms
Jimmy Carter served four years.
We had the Iranian Hostage Crisis
We had problems with Russia He boycotted the Russia Olympic's, 1980
1980 Summer Olympics boycott
The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan spurred Jimmy Carter to issue an ultimatum on January 20, 1980 that the United States would boycott the Moscow Olympics if Soviet troops did not withdraw from Afghanistan within one month.[2] After an April 24 meeting, United States Olympic Committee (USOC) President Robert Kane told the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the USOC would still be willing to send a team to Moscow if there were a “spectacular change in the international situation”.[
1980 grain embargo
and imposed a grain Sanctions
The 1980 grain embargo describes the policy enacted by the United States that banned the export of grain and technology to the Soviet Union in response to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Initiated by the Carter administration in January 1980, the embargo was lifted by Ronald Reagan in April 1981. Tangible effects of the embargo were negligible, with the Soviet Union simply acquiring grain from alternative sources in South America and Europe.[1] Commodity prices dropped following the embargo, contributing to a severe farm crisis.
Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty
Israel and Egypt drew up a peace agreement between Palestine and Israel. 1976-1981 Menahem Begin and Anwar Sadat
The peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed sixteen months after Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat's visit to Israel in 1977 after intense negotiation. The main features of the treaty were mutual recognition, cessation of the state of war that had existed since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, normalization of relations and the complete withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Egypt agreed to leave the area demilitarized. The agreement also provided for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal, and recognition of the Strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways.
The agreement notably made Egypt the first Arab state to officially recognize Israel.[
like today we have complaints about the Mexican boarder. [Example of Racism in the Democratic Party] Governor Jerry Brown
Jerry Brown Welcomes Latino Illegal Immigrants, But Not Vietnamese Boat People in 1975
Gov. Jerry Brown announced Tuesday he’d like to build shelters for the thousands of young immigrants from Central America, currently illegally flooding California’s southern borders.
However, this is the same Jerry Brown who in 1975 complained vociferously about the Federal government plan to “dump Vietnamese on” California after the fall of Saigon
This week Brown said, “Certainly I’d do everything I could to make sure California will do its part to shelter any young children that are in need of protection,” Brown told reporters.
However, in 1975, Brown had a very different view on large groups of homeless, foreign refugees; “We can’t be looking 5,000 miles away and at the same time neglecting people who live here,” Brown said about Vietnamese refugees, Breitbart’s Kerry Picket recently reported.
The Vietnamese people were fleeing Saigon and a brutal, repressive, dictatorship, which often imprisoned and tortured its own people. President Ford allowed the former South Vietnamese to be allowed to immigrate to the US if they had suffered persecution by the communist regime after 1975.
I remember – I was headed toward high school at the time.
Julia Taft was the head of President Gerald Ford’s Inter-Agency Task Force on Indochinese Refugee resettlement. Taft did an interview with National Public Radio in 2007 about President Ford’s decision:
“He was really committed to making sure that these innocent victims and people who had been allies of the U.S., that we just didn’t abandon them,” Taft said in an interview with NPR host Debbie Elliott.
TAFT: At first, it was politically difficult. Our biggest problem came from California.
TAFT: Jerry Brown.
ELLIOTT: Then the governor.
TAFT: Then the governor. And Mario Obledo, who was the – I guess he was called the secretary of welfare or something. They were very difficult. They didn’t want any of these refugees, because they had also unemployment. They had already a large number of foreign-born people there. They had – they said they had too many Hispanics, too many people on welfare, they didn’t want these people. And we spent a lot of effort trying to ease their concern and really established for the whole country programs where the federal government would compensate states.
Brown as a national figure?
There is much speculation about Jerry Brown considering another run for President – his fourth to be exact. But first Brown, 76, must win his fourth term as California Governor. If/when he wins, he could be an 80-year-old governor in four years.
I predicted in October 2013 that Jerry Brown would run again for President, following his presidential bids of 1976, 1980 and 1992.
My prediction stands — Brown was in Mexico this week negotiating a climate treaty, with an “international delegation” he put together to apparently boost his “foreign relations” experience.
Lucky number three… four
“Lucky number three” worked for Brown when he ran for a third term as governor of California in 2010 — nearly 30 years after completing his second term. But lucky number three didn’t work out for Brown in his presidential bids.
His 1976 slogan was, “The Man of the Future, Who Respects the Past.”
Four could be Brown’s favorite number. Today, at 76, Brown could be enjoying retirement as do most state employees of a certain age. But really, who thinks Brown will retire when there’s a reelection campaign to run, and maybe even a presidency awaiting him when he’s 78?
Current Brown Immigration Legislation
While in his third term as governor, Brown has signed into law legislation allowing illegal aliens to obtain California driver’s licenses.
Brown has also signed legislation which allows illegal immigrants to obtain a California license to practice law.
Brown signed the California Dream Act in 2011, which allow students who are in the country illegally to pay in-state tuition and apply for grants and private-college scholarships, competing with legal residents of the state.
The California Dream Act rewards illegal behavior while placing a new financial burden on California taxpayers.
Brown signed all of this legislation while slashing and cutting crucial state services in concurrent state budgets. Brown said budget cuts would be “vast and hurtful, but it’s better to take our medicine now.”
Legal California residents have been prescribed bitter medicine from Dr. Jerry Brown.
- See more at: http://www.flashreport.org/blog/2014/07/31/jerry-brown-welcomes-latino-illegal-immigrants-but-not-vietnamese-boat-people-in-1975/#sthash.39voHvA9.dpuf
This is just like Obama Administration. History Repeats itself and the Liberal Left are turning their backs on the Obamas.
Carter pardons draft dodgers Jan. 21, 1977
On this day in 1977, President Jimmy Carter, in his first day in office, fulfilled a campaign promise by granting unconditional pardons to hundreds of thousands of men who had evaded the draft during the Vietnam War by fleeing the country or by failing to register.
Gerald Ford, Carter’s predecessor in the White House, offered conditional amnesty to some draft dodgers. Carter, however, seeking to heal the war’s physic wounds, set no conditions, although some individuals were excluded from the blanket pardon.
Thus, military deserters were ineligible. Also excluded were convicted civilian protestors who had engaged in acts of violence.
All in all, about 100,000 Americans went abroad in the late 1960s and early 70s to avoid being called up.
Some 90 percent went to Canada where, after some initial controversy, they were accepted as legal immigrants.
Thousands of others went into hiding within the country, sometimes changing their identities. In addition, about 1,000 military deserters found their way to Canada.
While Canadian authorities at first indicated they would be prosecuted or deported, in practice they were left alone.
Canadian border guards were told not to ask too many questions.
For its part, the U.S. government continued to prosecute draft evaders after the Vietnam War ended. A total of 209,517 men were accused of violating draft laws, while another 360,000 were never formally charged.
Those who had fled to Canada faced prison sentences if they chose to return home. In the end, an estimated 50,000 draft dodgers settled permanently in Canada.
As Canadian citizens, some of them have entered the political scene from the left.
The Carter amnesty generated a good deal of criticism, especially from veterans’ groups.
Although the draft ended in 1973, desertion remains an issue as Americans continue to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Get Real Liberal Obama is a flunky just like Carter. Also both are anti-Semitic
Both Clearly Anti-Semitic
We had the Iranian Hostage Crisis
Date | November 4, 1979 – January 20, 1981 (444 days or 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days) |
We had problems with Russia He boycotted the Russia Olympic's, 1980
1980 Summer Olympics boycott
The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan spurred Jimmy Carter to issue an ultimatum on January 20, 1980 that the United States would boycott the Moscow Olympics if Soviet troops did not withdraw from Afghanistan within one month.[2] After an April 24 meeting, United States Olympic Committee (USOC) President Robert Kane told the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the USOC would still be willing to send a team to Moscow if there were a “spectacular change in the international situation”.[
1980 grain embargo
and imposed a grain Sanctions
The 1980 grain embargo describes the policy enacted by the United States that banned the export of grain and technology to the Soviet Union in response to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Initiated by the Carter administration in January 1980, the embargo was lifted by Ronald Reagan in April 1981. Tangible effects of the embargo were negligible, with the Soviet Union simply acquiring grain from alternative sources in South America and Europe.[1] Commodity prices dropped following the embargo, contributing to a severe farm crisis.
Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty
Israel and Egypt drew up a peace agreement between Palestine and Israel. 1976-1981 Menahem Begin and Anwar Sadat
The peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed sixteen months after Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat's visit to Israel in 1977 after intense negotiation. The main features of the treaty were mutual recognition, cessation of the state of war that had existed since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, normalization of relations and the complete withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Egypt agreed to leave the area demilitarized. The agreement also provided for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal, and recognition of the Strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways.
The agreement notably made Egypt the first Arab state to officially recognize Israel.[
like today we have complaints about the Mexican boarder. [Example of Racism in the Democratic Party] Governor Jerry Brown
Jerry Brown Welcomes Latino Illegal Immigrants, But Not Vietnamese Boat People in 1975
Gov. Jerry Brown announced Tuesday he’d like to build shelters for the thousands of young immigrants from Central America, currently illegally flooding California’s southern borders.
However, this is the same Jerry Brown who in 1975 complained vociferously about the Federal government plan to “dump Vietnamese on” California after the fall of Saigon
This week Brown said, “Certainly I’d do everything I could to make sure California will do its part to shelter any young children that are in need of protection,” Brown told reporters.
However, in 1975, Brown had a very different view on large groups of homeless, foreign refugees; “We can’t be looking 5,000 miles away and at the same time neglecting people who live here,” Brown said about Vietnamese refugees, Breitbart’s Kerry Picket recently reported.
The Vietnamese people were fleeing Saigon and a brutal, repressive, dictatorship, which often imprisoned and tortured its own people. President Ford allowed the former South Vietnamese to be allowed to immigrate to the US if they had suffered persecution by the communist regime after 1975.
I remember – I was headed toward high school at the time.
Julia Taft was the head of President Gerald Ford’s Inter-Agency Task Force on Indochinese Refugee resettlement. Taft did an interview with National Public Radio in 2007 about President Ford’s decision:
“He was really committed to making sure that these innocent victims and people who had been allies of the U.S., that we just didn’t abandon them,” Taft said in an interview with NPR host Debbie Elliott.
TAFT: At first, it was politically difficult. Our biggest problem came from California.
TAFT: Jerry Brown.
ELLIOTT: Then the governor.
TAFT: Then the governor. And Mario Obledo, who was the – I guess he was called the secretary of welfare or something. They were very difficult. They didn’t want any of these refugees, because they had also unemployment. They had already a large number of foreign-born people there. They had – they said they had too many Hispanics, too many people on welfare, they didn’t want these people. And we spent a lot of effort trying to ease their concern and really established for the whole country programs where the federal government would compensate states.
Brown as a national figure?
There is much speculation about Jerry Brown considering another run for President – his fourth to be exact. But first Brown, 76, must win his fourth term as California Governor. If/when he wins, he could be an 80-year-old governor in four years.
I predicted in October 2013 that Jerry Brown would run again for President, following his presidential bids of 1976, 1980 and 1992.
My prediction stands — Brown was in Mexico this week negotiating a climate treaty, with an “international delegation” he put together to apparently boost his “foreign relations” experience.
Lucky number three… four
“Lucky number three” worked for Brown when he ran for a third term as governor of California in 2010 — nearly 30 years after completing his second term. But lucky number three didn’t work out for Brown in his presidential bids.
His 1976 slogan was, “The Man of the Future, Who Respects the Past.”
Four could be Brown’s favorite number. Today, at 76, Brown could be enjoying retirement as do most state employees of a certain age. But really, who thinks Brown will retire when there’s a reelection campaign to run, and maybe even a presidency awaiting him when he’s 78?
Current Brown Immigration Legislation
While in his third term as governor, Brown has signed into law legislation allowing illegal aliens to obtain California driver’s licenses.
Brown has also signed legislation which allows illegal immigrants to obtain a California license to practice law.
Brown signed the California Dream Act in 2011, which allow students who are in the country illegally to pay in-state tuition and apply for grants and private-college scholarships, competing with legal residents of the state.
The California Dream Act rewards illegal behavior while placing a new financial burden on California taxpayers.
Brown signed all of this legislation while slashing and cutting crucial state services in concurrent state budgets. Brown said budget cuts would be “vast and hurtful, but it’s better to take our medicine now.”
Legal California residents have been prescribed bitter medicine from Dr. Jerry Brown.
- See more at: http://www.flashreport.org/blog/2014/07/31/jerry-brown-welcomes-latino-illegal-immigrants-but-not-vietnamese-boat-people-in-1975/#sthash.39voHvA9.dpuf
This is just like Obama Administration. History Repeats itself and the Liberal Left are turning their backs on the Obamas.
Carter pardons draft dodgers Jan. 21, 1977
On this day in 1977, President Jimmy Carter, in his first day in office, fulfilled a campaign promise by granting unconditional pardons to hundreds of thousands of men who had evaded the draft during the Vietnam War by fleeing the country or by failing to register.
Gerald Ford, Carter’s predecessor in the White House, offered conditional amnesty to some draft dodgers. Carter, however, seeking to heal the war’s physic wounds, set no conditions, although some individuals were excluded from the blanket pardon.
Thus, military deserters were ineligible. Also excluded were convicted civilian protestors who had engaged in acts of violence.
All in all, about 100,000 Americans went abroad in the late 1960s and early 70s to avoid being called up.
Some 90 percent went to Canada where, after some initial controversy, they were accepted as legal immigrants.
Thousands of others went into hiding within the country, sometimes changing their identities. In addition, about 1,000 military deserters found their way to Canada.
While Canadian authorities at first indicated they would be prosecuted or deported, in practice they were left alone.
Canadian border guards were told not to ask too many questions.
For its part, the U.S. government continued to prosecute draft evaders after the Vietnam War ended. A total of 209,517 men were accused of violating draft laws, while another 360,000 were never formally charged.
Those who had fled to Canada faced prison sentences if they chose to return home. In the end, an estimated 50,000 draft dodgers settled permanently in Canada.
As Canadian citizens, some of them have entered the political scene from the left.
The Carter amnesty generated a good deal of criticism, especially from veterans’ groups.
Although the draft ended in 1973, desertion remains an issue as Americans continue to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Get Real Liberal Obama is a flunky just like Carter. Also both are anti-Semitic
Both Clearly Anti-Semitic
Jimmy Carter leads the Democrat charge for anti-Semitism
As you all know, I am Georgia-born and raised and very proud of that. I love my home state and it’s the place where my parents were laid to rest. However, there is one thing that causes me utmost embarrassment from my home state: former President Jimmy Carter. And his recent incoherent ranting about Hamas and Israel further proves that sentiment. Jimmy Carter is an anti-Semite.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/08/jimmy-carter-leads-democrat-charge-anti-semitism/#gGCCO5VGoX5CxMrk.99
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/08/jimmy-carter-leads-democrat-charge-anti-semitism/#gGCCO5VGoX5CxMrk.99
As reported by Fox News, “Former President Jimmy Carter once again is getting way out in front of the U.S. government on the Middle East, co-authoring an op-ed in which he calls for Washington to recognize designated terror group Hamas as a legitimate “political actor” — while blasting Israel for its military campaign in the Gaza Strip.The scathing column on ForeignPolicy.com was written by Carter and Ireland’s former president Mary Robinson.”
I guess stupidity comes in twos and as Garth Brooks once sang, “I got friends in low places.” What would compel a former U.S. president to pen a piece supporting an Islamic terrorist organization? Or perhaps Carter agrees with Nancy Pelosi that Hamas is a humanitarian organization. Jimmy Carter’s position reflects the deeply rooted anti-Semitism that exists in the Democrat party. It is a fundamental position of the progressive socialist Left.
According to Fox, “the article called the current conflict a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and while acknowledging Hamas’ “indiscriminate targeting” of Israelis, focused its criticism on Israel. “There is no humane or legal justification for the way the Israeli Defense Forces are conducting this war,” they wrote. “Israeli bombs, missiles, and artillery have pulverized large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals.” “
Perhaps Jimmy fails to acknowledge that the IDF has been sending text messages, calling, and dropping leaflets to warn Gaza residents of incoming targets. It is Hamas who has told its own people not to heed those warnings, and as we shared here, have actively stated they would use their own people as human shields.
Has Carter missed the fact that Hamas uses schools and hospitals as ammunition storage locations and bases of operations? It is just unconscionable that the truth is so rejected by the liberal left when it comes to Israel. And if that be the case, how can it be that ANY American citizen who is Jewish ally themselves with this Democrat party?
Because Carter’s op-ed piece and sentiment is no different than that of Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry, and Valerie Jarrett. Perhaps the true religion of American Jews JINOs (Jews In Name Only) is liberal progressivism. Apparently, they actually care less about what happens to Israel because their political party alignment runs deeper in their veins.
Let’s see what the South Florida Jewish Congressional representatives Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Ted Deutch, and Lois Frankel have to say about Jimmy Carter’s op-ed piece — don’t hold your breath for any condemnation.
Fox says, “former Presidents Carter and Robinson (a group of former statesmen and activists) also pushed the West to formally recognize Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip but is classified as a terror group by the U.S. They lauded the recently announced unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah, which controls the West Bank (Judea and Samaria, let’s use the right language) — an agreement that Obama’s State Department has voiced serious concerns about.”
And don’t forget, Fatah was the original Palestinian terrorist organization established by Yasser Arafat, responsible for the Munich Olympics slaughter of members of the Israeli team.
And of course it was former Democrat President Bill Clinton who invited the terrorist Arafat into the White House and Hillary who embraced Arafat’s wife.
Sadly, we don’t teach history in America so our children and grandchildren have no clue about the terrorist history behind the region. They are sent to these liberal dominated college campuses where pro-Islamic terrorist professors fill there heads with revisionist history — and propaganda. We have allowed Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups to influence political, educational, and cultural societal aspects of our country and spew forth their hate-filled message.
Carter, in what can only be termed as treasonous, has voiced support for Hamas in the past, and in 2009 visited with Hamas leaders on a high-profile trip. I do remember then-President Carter bringing Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat to Camp David in signing the peace accords. However, I also remember it was the Muslim Brotherhood who assassinated Anwar Sadat because he sought peace with Israel. And it is Carter’s beloved Hamas that is the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood — an inconvenient truth.
“The United States and EU should recognize that Hamas is not just a military but also a political force,” Carter and Robinson wrote. “Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor — one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people — can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons.” '
That statement clearly identifies the delusion of Jimmy Carter in believing Hamas, a terrorist organization, deserves legitimacy. He believes an Islamic terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of a sovereign state will lay down its weapons once provided with the “right incentives” — what exactly are those? In other words, Carter, like Neville Chamberlain and Obama, believe that appeasement and negotiation with evil results in peace.
This could not be further from the truth but I suppose according to Jimmy Carter, Islamic State is just misunderstood as well and deserves recognition and legitimacy. As a matter of fact, if the West would just “provide the right incentives” to Islamic totalitarians and jihadists we could all coexist in peace – the problem is, the only “right incentive” they seek is our subjugation or destruction.
Jimmy Carter, the base anti-Semitism of the liberal Left, and the abject weakness of the progressive socialists in the Democrat party form the enticing aroma leading Islamists to believe victory is near — and causes grave concern for Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the people of Israel who thought America was their ally. America is, but the Democrat Party is not
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/08/jimmy-carter-leads-democrat-charge-anti-semitism/#gGCCO5VGoX5CxMrk.99
I guess stupidity comes in twos and as Garth Brooks once sang, “I got friends in low places.” What would compel a former U.S. president to pen a piece supporting an Islamic terrorist organization? Or perhaps Carter agrees with Nancy Pelosi that Hamas is a humanitarian organization. Jimmy Carter’s position reflects the deeply rooted anti-Semitism that exists in the Democrat party. It is a fundamental position of the progressive socialist Left.
According to Fox, “the article called the current conflict a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and while acknowledging Hamas’ “indiscriminate targeting” of Israelis, focused its criticism on Israel. “There is no humane or legal justification for the way the Israeli Defense Forces are conducting this war,” they wrote. “Israeli bombs, missiles, and artillery have pulverized large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals.” “
Perhaps Jimmy fails to acknowledge that the IDF has been sending text messages, calling, and dropping leaflets to warn Gaza residents of incoming targets. It is Hamas who has told its own people not to heed those warnings, and as we shared here, have actively stated they would use their own people as human shields.
Has Carter missed the fact that Hamas uses schools and hospitals as ammunition storage locations and bases of operations? It is just unconscionable that the truth is so rejected by the liberal left when it comes to Israel. And if that be the case, how can it be that ANY American citizen who is Jewish ally themselves with this Democrat party?
Because Carter’s op-ed piece and sentiment is no different than that of Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry, and Valerie Jarrett. Perhaps the true religion of American Jews JINOs (Jews In Name Only) is liberal progressivism. Apparently, they actually care less about what happens to Israel because their political party alignment runs deeper in their veins.
Let’s see what the South Florida Jewish Congressional representatives Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Ted Deutch, and Lois Frankel have to say about Jimmy Carter’s op-ed piece — don’t hold your breath for any condemnation.
Fox says, “former Presidents Carter and Robinson (a group of former statesmen and activists) also pushed the West to formally recognize Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip but is classified as a terror group by the U.S. They lauded the recently announced unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah, which controls the West Bank (Judea and Samaria, let’s use the right language) — an agreement that Obama’s State Department has voiced serious concerns about.”
And don’t forget, Fatah was the original Palestinian terrorist organization established by Yasser Arafat, responsible for the Munich Olympics slaughter of members of the Israeli team.
And of course it was former Democrat President Bill Clinton who invited the terrorist Arafat into the White House and Hillary who embraced Arafat’s wife.
Sadly, we don’t teach history in America so our children and grandchildren have no clue about the terrorist history behind the region. They are sent to these liberal dominated college campuses where pro-Islamic terrorist professors fill there heads with revisionist history — and propaganda. We have allowed Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups to influence political, educational, and cultural societal aspects of our country and spew forth their hate-filled message.
Carter, in what can only be termed as treasonous, has voiced support for Hamas in the past, and in 2009 visited with Hamas leaders on a high-profile trip. I do remember then-President Carter bringing Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat to Camp David in signing the peace accords. However, I also remember it was the Muslim Brotherhood who assassinated Anwar Sadat because he sought peace with Israel. And it is Carter’s beloved Hamas that is the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood — an inconvenient truth.
“The United States and EU should recognize that Hamas is not just a military but also a political force,” Carter and Robinson wrote. “Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor — one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people — can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons.” '
That statement clearly identifies the delusion of Jimmy Carter in believing Hamas, a terrorist organization, deserves legitimacy. He believes an Islamic terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of a sovereign state will lay down its weapons once provided with the “right incentives” — what exactly are those? In other words, Carter, like Neville Chamberlain and Obama, believe that appeasement and negotiation with evil results in peace.
This could not be further from the truth but I suppose according to Jimmy Carter, Islamic State is just misunderstood as well and deserves recognition and legitimacy. As a matter of fact, if the West would just “provide the right incentives” to Islamic totalitarians and jihadists we could all coexist in peace – the problem is, the only “right incentive” they seek is our subjugation or destruction.
Jimmy Carter, the base anti-Semitism of the liberal Left, and the abject weakness of the progressive socialists in the Democrat party form the enticing aroma leading Islamists to believe victory is near — and causes grave concern for Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the people of Israel who thought America was their ally. America is, but the Democrat Party is not
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/08/jimmy-carter-leads-democrat-charge-anti-semitism/#gGCCO5VGoX5CxMrk.99
By Allen West
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